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Corey Siebert

REVIEW (Part 1): Generative AI for Business Leaders: Complete 3 Book Collection by I. Almeida

I used to laugh as a teenager when my grandparents would tell me that time goes faster and faster the older you get.

Considering how quickly this year is flying by, I am terrified to see how fast time seems to go when I reach the age they were when imparting that wisdom upon me.

Somehow, it has been almost three months since my last post and review. We hit a very busy time at work, working on a contract recompete and a related extension. I now I find us in August, confused as to how it is almost time to pull out the Halloween decorations I just took down.

Anyway, work needs resulted in a pause in reading time, other than a couple of for-pleasure and personal growth books I squeezed in during the late evenings.

Now that I have some of my afternoons and evenings back, I have been able to start delving into AI again.

Currently, I am reading the 2024 edition of Generative AI for Business Leaders: Complete 3 Book Collection by I. Almeida. This behemoth of a compendium is nearly 800 pages long, and is comprised of the following three books:

  • Generative AI Transformation Blueprint

  • Introduction to Large Language Models for Business Leaders

  • AI Fundamentals for Business Leaders

Instead of waiting to finish all three books before reviewing, since these can be purchased individually, I am going to post a 3-part review for the book. Today's post will focus on Generative AI Transformation Blueprint.

Generative AI Transformation Blueprint is the first, and shortest of the three books, coming in at 122 pages. The book covers topics such as understanding and awareness, generative AI strategy and alignment, talent and skills development, risk management and ethics, technology integration and development, implementation and scaling, performance monitoring and continuous improvement, organizational culture and change, and future-proofing.

The topics make it sound as though this would be a very detailed book, however, the chapters themselves are very short. Essentially, the author provides a very high-level overview of each topic, usually only amounting to 2-4 pages, and then provides general business case examples to demonstrate how those actions benefitted the organization. True to its title, this book simply serves as a blueprint.

I think this book would make a good resource for a business leader looking for a quick, down-and-dirty overview of AI. Someone who is looking to get a better understanding of what AI is, and a preview of what is needed to implement, maintain, and scale AI solutions.

While the book contains good information, it would best be utilized as a quick point of reference. For a business leader looking for a more in-depth and complete exploration of these topics, and who doesn't have the time to read an 800-page compendium, I would instead direct them to The Business Case for AI by Kavita Ganesan, PhD.

I am hopeful that the following two books, which are substantially longer, will go further into depth and flesh out the topics covered within the blueprint.

Rating (the three books individually and then together as a compendium):

  • Generative AI Transformation Blueprint: NOT RECOMMENDED

- Read The Business Case for AI instead.

  • Introduction to Large Language Models for Business Leaders: TBD

  • AI Fundamentals for Business Leaders: TBD

  • Generative AI for Business Leaders: Complete 3 Book Collection (as a whole): TBD



  • I will be attending the Ai4 2024: Artificial Intelligence Conference - August 12th - 14th in Las Vegas, NV, and will be sharing thoughts from the event.

  • Reviews for the remaining two books of today's compendium are the next reviews in queue.

Until next time -


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